搜索 Villegas

  • On faraway Mosaque, an American pilot finds that he is in a desperate struggle with a military officer intent on sabotaging a local fort.
  • Elisa是一名38岁的女性,与丈夫和小女儿搬到乡村的房子里度假。到达乡村后,一种奇怪的感觉挥之不去。她开始感到夜间移动树梢的未知物体的存在,使狗嚎叫,并像乡村野鬼一样无尽徘徊。一种刺痛的感觉杀死了她所有的确定性。她在半夜醒来,看着丈夫在她身边睡着,这个再熟悉不过的人现在看来像是一个陌生人。她站起来跑到女儿房间,将手放在小女…
  • 获奖:2004年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节影评人费比西奖阿根廷草原上,住了个失业中年,一生劳碌的油站一声关门便前路茫茫,他替老妇修车,老妇给他送上白狗大B做回报。可大B原来是头纯种名犬,不只改写了新主人的孤独生活,还在狗展赢来季军,从此人狗同途乐也融融。但人心叵测,大B嗅出的危险主人懵然不知。
  • The "Jack Squad” is the urban tale of three women who have nothing but money on their minds after each one has a loss of financial in***e. Childhood best friends Kennedy, Mona, and Dawn embark on a plan to seduce and rob wealthy men. …
  • Cielo’s teenage daughter, Laura, is kidnapped in Northern Mexico. Despite paying several ransoms, Laura is not returned. When the authorities offer no support in the search, Cielo takes matters into her own hands and transforms from housew…
  • 通过从三个青春期少女的眼睛看到的战争中的小镇生活。
  • 这是关于两个男人超越时间与空间的爱情。他们完全沉浸在眼前不断上升的热恋中,经历了挫折、牺牲、改变,并从中得到重生。电影就像一部描述同性恋浪漫爱情的视觉史诗,讲述经历迷失与磨难,最终得到幸福的主题。墨西哥导演朱利安·赫南德兹(Julian Hernandez)这部《一半艳阳,一半蓝天》获得2009年柏林电影节泰迪熊奖最佳影片。赫南德兹以半叙…
  • Born in Buenos Aires in 1971, Juan Villegas studied at the Universidad del Cine, where he wrote, produced and directed two short films: Roads and sidewalks (1995) and 2 in 1 car (1998). He wrote, directed and produced two feature films: Saturday (2001) and The Suicide (2005), both submitted in major international festi…