- The story happens in the Paraguayan Chaco, the territory with the highest deforestation rate in the world. 25,000 hectares of forest are being deforested a month in this territory which would mean an average of 841 hectares a day or 35 hectares per hour. The forest barely lives and this only due to a reserve that the T…
- 西班牙版《完美陌生人》,翻拍自2016大热的意大利同名影片《完美陌生人》。七个常年的好朋友聚在一起吃晚餐。忽然他们决定与对方分享每一个短信的内容,包括他们收到的电子邮件和电话,由此许多秘密开始公布而他们之间的关系开始发生波动。