搜索 Dovi

  • There is no good day to announce a split – especially not one that was planned as an anniversary celebration. But Lucia doesn’t want to give up on her husband Giovanni. In her spontaneous struggle for her husband’s heart, she involves not …
  • 故事发生在一座公寓里,房客形形色色,有任意殴打老婆、重男轻女的暴力丈夫,有性格扭曲、妻子已死却仍然置之屋内至发臭的变态老头,有贪财好色的墙头草猥琐医生,有颇具职业精神的妓女,有遏止同性恋行为的道德优越者,房东是奥尔加夫妇,有一个自以为是的独身儿子,这群人本来就故事多多、矛盾重重,突然又搬进来两个年轻女孩玛利亚和伊娃,故…
  • When Homo sapiens turned up in prehistoric Europe, they ran into the Neanderthals. The two types of human were similar enough-intellectually and culturally-to interbreed. But as more Homo sapiens moved into Europe and the population increased, there was an explosion of art and symbolic thought which overwhelmed the Nea…
  • Stipan是一名警察,到克罗地亚西海岸外的亚得里亚小岛上调查上报的奇怪现象,那里全体居民已经产生了恐慌。起初,没有人愿意与他合作,但他最终发现,这个小岛据称闹Josip Broz Tito鬼,那是前南斯拉夫的共产主义领导人。对于镇长Luka来说,这是一个把小岛变成铁托主题娱乐公园的机会。另一方面,铁托的二战老兵不相信鬼;对他们来说,这个幻影…
  • 结束了宇宙漫游,太空人回到地球讨生活。他打起领带,走进职业介绍所,央求办事员派给他「正常」的工作,然而太空人根深蒂固的无重力习惯,却一点也无法适应一般人的差事,无法融入的他,该如何继续地球人生?
  • When a passive young businessman is conned and thrown into great debts, he and his mother concoct a desperate escape plan - to fake his death, stage a funeral, then hide him out in the attic. When he sneaks out to visit his girlfriend, he is spotted by the neighbors, who jump to the conclusion that he is a vampire rise…
  • 电影偶像
  • 一个男人,一个手机,几百万欧元被盗,大约40个被欺骗的机构。吉尔伯特·佩雷斯滥用他的欺骗所带来的肾上腺素,熟练地欺骗受害者,轮流扮演他们的首席执行官与特工。他梦想给他的妻子芭芭拉一个正常的生活,但是贪得无厌,无拘无束,他的愚蠢会使他走向灭亡。
  • The adventures of a family of genetically modified super-zombies.