- Explores the life and work of the psychoanalytic theorist and activist Frantz Fanon who was born in Martinique, educated in Paris and worked in Algeria. Examines Fanon's theories of identity and race, and traces his involvement in the anti-colonial struggle in Algeria and throughout the world.
- 酋长乐队 蒙特勒爵士音乐节现场 The Chieftains Live At Montreux 1997英文名:The Chieftains - Live At Montreux 1997Founded by Paddy Maloney in 1962, The Chieftains were one of the first bands to popularise Irish traditional music around the world and t…
- 本剧改编自真人真事,故事聚焦于印度贾坎德邦詹塔拉市层出不穷的网路钓鱼事件。一群当地年轻人利用电话诈骗,受害者遍及全印度。你也许不认识这群诈骗集团,但他们手中一定有你的电话号码。只要一通电话,你的一生积蓄就人间蒸发。诈骗无所不在。《诈骗大本营》将于1月10日首播,Netflix独家。