- 在1935年那個艱苦的時代,黑市猖獗,社會風氣極度敗壞。Ivan Lapchine是犯罪刑事局的領導,愛上一個叫Natacha的女演員,她剛搬到與Ivan同一個社區居住。雖然他對Natacha一片癡情,但她喜歡的卻是Ivan的朋友Khanine。Ivan在工作上是一個鐵血無情的狠角色,但私底下卻無法向自己所愛的女人表達愛意。像是要為《Chekpoint》遭到禁演復仇似…
- A huge hit when it was released, the movie is set in 1953, when after the death of Stalin, Beria pronounced an amnesty which put out of work camps an enormous amount of inmates, causing an increase in criminality. At a small village by a lake, live two political exiles spending there few years after camp sentence as …