搜索 Dunphy

  • A funny, heartbreaking, and most of all animated autobiographical gem -- 'Serenity' seamlessly weaves together themes of young love, hate sex, addiction, death, existential angst, and even pizza -- all under five minutes. Both entertaining and insightful, this short is refreshingly honest, original, and brave.
  • Insects outnumber us by 200 million to one. They thrive in environments where humans wouldn't last minutes. We mostly perceive them as pests - yet without bugs, entire ecosystems would collapse, crops would disappear and waste would pile high.The secret of their success? Their incredible alien anatomy.To reveal this ex…
  • 电影动作
    杰克•拉莫塔(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)出身于纽约的布鲁克林区。自小便进行拳击训练的杰克很快就在拳击界崭露头角,他因在比赛中出拳迅猛,打击对手毫不留情,表现得就像一头公牛,被称为“愤怒的公牛”。虽然杰克表现出色,但因为他为人耿直,不肯屈服于黑手党的安排,所以在当时他一直无缘于挑战拳王金腰带。在多次失意后,杰克终…
  • 性与暴力第二季
    This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film…
  • 性与暴力第三季
    This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film…
  • 杰(沃伦·比蒂 Warren Beatty 饰)是一名参议员,在竞选遭遇连连失败之后,对自己的政治生涯和人生同时失去了希望的杰决定自杀。但是他不能白死,杰为自己买了高额的保险,受益人是自己的家人,活着的时候杰是个无用的男人,他希望他的死至少能够给家人带来经济上的补偿。之后,杰雇佣了一名职业杀手来暗杀自己,在临死之前,杰决定进行最后一…
  • 电视剧
    该剧改编自《喜鹊谋杀案》的直接续作。   Susan已经离开出版社,和交往多年的男友Andreas搬到了克里特岛居住,但一起谋杀案的阴影扰乱了她的美好生活。英国的一家乡村酒店在八年前发生了一起谋杀案,Alan Conway在参观了这家酒店后,根据发生的事情写了一本小说。帮助经营这家酒店的年轻女子Cecily Treherne读到了这本书,认为警方抓错了人…
  • 电视剧
    This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film…
  • 电视剧
    This is just a meijubar.net mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the Canadian film…