搜索 Durrin

  • We've sought ease, comfort and wealth - but are people happier with more money? What is the science behind a good life? Following several people over a typical year, "A Small Good Thing" looks at the simple sources of human happiness.
  • A Latin American country on the Pacific seaboard. A coup d'état fails. Jacques and his fellow mercenaries must get out of there as fast as they can. He takes with him Monica, a beautiful prostitute with a taste for adventure. Having cheate…
  • 三個女孩在節慶期間被謀殺,但警察督察長盧梭不相信報紙報導兇手是連續殺人犯的推測。瑪麗拉德路卡是一個背負秘密的年輕警探,督察長對她有疑心,但還是讓她加入團隊。經過幾個小時的討論,小組終於達成共識,破解了一樁某人的過往塵封往事,並且受義大利政壇影響,如同覆蓋在大雪下的城市的懸案。
  • 一向偏好友情、承诺和意志主题的法国男性题材影片专家格扎维埃·迪兰热检讨流氓世界的一部黑帮剧。小混混弗朗索瓦François(阿诺·焦瓦尼内蒂饰),一个在社会上颇具威望和影响的名人贝特朗Bertrand(达尼埃尔·杜瓦尔饰)的叛逆儿子。他顺利完成了他出道的第一票,但随后却发现自己被困在了敌对帮派残酷仇杀的毫厘之间。为了尽快摆脱有可能送…