  • A heart-breaking film of incredible beauty! In this mesmerizing collage of silent Italian melodrama, found-footage filmmaker Peter Delpeut (Lyrical Nitrate) affectionately captures the spirit of the World War One-era cinema diva. In all-but-lost gems such as La donna nuda (1914), and Tigre reale (1916), superstars such…
  • 根据屠格涅夫中篇小说《春潮》改编
  • Theatrical CartoonByelarusfilm National Film StudioCartoon Characters: Grasshopper.Originally Released in 1997 (Estimate).Originally Released Theatrically.Color
  • 这是一个充满爱与勇气的故事。 一次命运的交会,将17岁的娜蒂亚、小瓦尼及银行家潘文这三人牵引在一起。 1998 年,俄罗斯国内因金融危机而动荡不安,失业人口顿时增加,人民纷纷走上街头游行抗议,大家的生活顿时失去未来的希望,然而刚从纯朴的乡下来到大都市莫斯科念书的娜蒂亚对发生在周遭的一切似乎浑然不觉,直至小瓦尼的双亲发生可怕的意…
  • 本片根据二战时苏联一支有名的女子轰炸机部队事迹改编。第588女子夜间轰炸机团装备了Po-2轻型侦察/轰炸机,主要执行对德军的夜间低空袭扰轰炸任务。虽然轰炸效果不大,但是对德军的袭扰使德军无法好好休息,疲于奔命,而且Po-2的低空低速优势使得德军很难将其击落。因此德军恼怒地称她们是“夜空女巫”。在一次战斗中,一名女飞行员在敌后拯救了…
  • Dumpster tells the story of what happens when Jim, a janitor on the campus of an elite university, discovers Francis, a wealthy frat boy, hiding in a mobile garbage bin. Jim wrestles with adult responsibilities at home with his girlfriend and her child, while Francis struggles to overcome his roommate's suicide, gettin…
  • 年轻女子夏娃为了爱嫁给了与她同龄的房地产商。然而,她的婚姻生活并不是那么幸福美满。夏娃在内心的驱使下,引来了一个神秘人物,一个与她丈夫外形酷似的人。由于在现实生活中受到丈夫的冷落, 夏娃与神秘人越走越近,许多她昔日许下的愿望,也在神秘人的帮助下一一实现。
  • Unhinged tells the story of Karen, a forensics student who has just found out her best friend from high school has been brutally murdered. While her boyfriend David attends college in another town, Karen decides to rekindle her relationships with her other friends from high school, including her ex-boyfriend Chris. Soo…
  • Russia, the Urals, the Civil War. The country is split, it is unclear who is behind the Reds, who - for whites. There is no right or guilty. Healthy, adult, beautiful men gladly fight each other to give wicked joy of blood and death. And the worst thing that they all speak the same language. People are scared and confu…