- Russia 1943, the German army is still deep in Russian territrory. The former Berliner worker Kurt Hartung, now a private in the wehrmacht (German army) , just survived a Russian dive bomber attack. despite is comanding officer's order, to disarm a dud. As it turned out, almost a suicide mission. Shortly after this inci…
- Cyril falls head over heel for the new girl in his class. Roxy is drop dead gorgeous and she is cool. But there is a problem. Cyril is terribly self conscious because he's got a rather large nose. And while he writes songs for and about his beloved, he is too shy to let her know they are his and pretends they were writ…
- Der naive, redselige Hoffi (Markus Knüfken) und der maulfaule Lehmi (Eckhard Preuß) sind eigentlich so unterschiedlich, wie zwei Menschen nur sein können. Ihrer Freundschaft tut das aber keinen Abbruch. Immerhin haben sie dieselben Hobbys…
- Mostly True Stories: Urban Legends Revealed is an American docudrama about urban legends and re-enacting them and researching their credibility. It aired on TLC from 2002 until 2004. It ran for four seasons. Early episodes were hosted by Natasha Henstridge.Unscheduled edited versions of the show, with new narration and…