- Aziz Ansari’s next stand-up special, Aziz Ansari: Nightclub Comedian, will premiere on Netflix on Jan. 25.
- Follows the successful career of Jackson as well as her unique friendship and devotion to Martin Luther King Jr. and her unsung contribution to the Civil Rights Movement.
- The director makes an attempt to locate herself, because historical erosions in society and politics have led to an identity crisis for Cléo Cohen, a young Frenchwoman. Is she Arab? Jewish? She struggles for clarification, aided by her gra…
- 故事发生在美丽的西藏高原,小卓玛为了保护高原的精灵藏羚羊和女妖毒蜘蛛、绿壁虎、红蝙蝠一伙坏蛋展开斗争,经受种种严峻的考验,找到了美丽无比的梦之湖,最终战胜了魔王大蝎子和瘸腿毒蜘蛛,将七七四十九只藏羚羊群带到了梦之湖的翡翠岛上……《精灵女孩—小卓玛》是一部童话、神话相结合,并富有意趣性的影片。主人公小卓玛和其伙伴和邪恶斗…