搜索 Edison

  • 蓝色贝雷帽的成员来自社会各个阶层,既有犯罪记录者也有新兵,组建的第一天他们就奉命援助边防部队堵截越境的贩毒集团
  • "Shows the despatch boat of the 'New York Journal' steaming through the water, having aboard the war correspondents. This is one of the fastest yachts engaged in the business. She approaches rapidly and as she cuts through the sea her prow throws the water in a white spray on either side. This is an excellent pict…
  • Isadora Edison is coming home to suburbia. Her old boyfriend Nelson is banging every girl he can get his hands on. Now he’s shacking up with Isadora’s Aunt Cynthia, (Tina Tyler). This makes Nelson’s sister Judith rage with jealousy as she …
  • The two Paolos play characters that snugly fit their public personas: Paolo Rivero is serious and mature (he's an Urian-nominated actor who's been making movies for close to a decade), while Paolo Serrano is impetuous and happy-go-lucky (he's allegedly involved in a webcam scandal in which he flashes his privates and i…
  • The Statue of Liberty is seen in New York Harbor in 1898, filmed by the Edison Film Manufacturing Company.
  • In DESIGNING BLIND, Eric and co-host Hedison will be introduced to homes and their inhabitants, getting involved in the surprisingly intimate process of renovation and remodeling. They will challenge the couple to shop based solely on a sense of touch, sound and smell. It's an unusual, amusing, and revelatory journey, …
  • 电影动画
    影史经典默片,有史以来第一部怪兽科幻片,第一部带有定格动画的电影长片。根据英国的阿瑟·柯南·道尔于1912年写下的科幻小说《失落的世界》改编。一群科学家在荒岛上发现了巨大的恐龙存活,费尽心思弄了一头到城市里,不料恐龙逃脱,大闹一通。片中“栩栩如生”的恐龙与人类演员同 台共戏的场景令当时的观众和评论者叹为观止。该片大量的使用…
  • 电影爱情
  • During the slavery period in Brazil, a sugar cane farm was the stage for the darkest kinds of horrors. Years later, the place's cruel past is still stained in its walls, even if unnoticed, until a series of strange events starts happening and death returns to the farm. The film is divided in five short horror stories.