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  • In this slice-of-life anthology, the experiences of four contemporary Bolivians are chronicled. In one of the four episodes, a boy has been given into the care of an old woman for her to use as an assistant at the food markets. In another, a teen steals in order to escape life in the countryside. Another shows the life…
  • Videos"Missing" (Todd Terry Remix)"Single""The only living boy in New York""Temperamental""Love is here where I live""Five Fathoms""Each and Every One""Driving""Walking Wounded"Live"Before Today""Temperamental"…
  • 马克爬上楼顶向索尼娅表白。不料还没得到索尼娅的回应,他便跌下栏杆。出人意料的是,马克竟然毫发无损。第二天,医生告诉马克,他患上了白血病。马克万念俱灰之际,索尼娅又前来向他道别,说要去葡萄牙度假两个月。反复思考后,马克决定追随索尼娅去葡萄牙。
  • Portrait of 100 years of latin american cinema.This movie, Enredando sombras, is a medly of short-lenght movies which gives 12 different director's perspectives about latin american cinema. His part is called Jugando en Serio (Playing seriously) which explains the difficulties and joys of movie making.It's really good,…
  • 《变幻的风》是巴西新电影大师GLAUBER ROCHA在其23岁时拍的处女作。故事讲述青年科塔回到家乡 - 位于巴西北部巴伊亚州海边的一个小渔村,发现这里的渔民都在为一个庞大的以白人为主的渔业公司工作,并完全依赖于公司所提供的设备,却没意识到传统的捕鱼技术正在逐渐消亡。接受过新思想的科塔感到愤怒,他不相信村民是心甘情愿地为高高在上的白人…
  • 一个骗子决定撞死无能的船员,并将他们的死亡归咎于传说中的海洋生物,他不知道的是这个生物是真的,传说中的鬼海怪物真正现身了。
  • 在索里亚的荒野中,有个名为Aldeaseñor的村庄。在数千年的平静生活后,如今那里还剩下14位村民,他们是村庄里最后的一代居民。现今,生命还在延续;但不久后也将无声无息的消失。邻村的人们和画家Pello Azeta的画作共同见证了同一事实:那就是村中的事物已经先人们一步而开始消失了。故事的讲述者回到了自己的故乡,加入到这一终结的过程中,试…
  • 一个资产阶级作家没有随家人撤离,而是满怀喜悦要目睹革命后的古巴现状。他流连于哈瓦那的街头,沉思并观望着这个国家的变化,然而他也不自觉地因为自己的好色风流而陷入道德危机之中。
  • Having immortalized designer Isaac Mizrahi in his award-winning documentary UNZIPPED director Douglas Keeve takes another behind-the-scenes look at the intensely competitive world of the fashion industry with SEAMLESS. Like a grittier version of the reality-television series PROJECT RUNWAY the film follows ten fashion-…
  • Decadência