搜索 Edric

  • With a place in the family business and a beautiful girlfriend, wealthy Antoine seems to have everything. But his life is sent spinning when he's offered the lead role in a film. Agonizing over whether he should take the part, Antoine learns that Lucas, the actor previously cast for the role, had committed suicide. App…
  • 电影恐怖
  • CastLeonie Rysanek .... ElektraAstrid Varnay .... ClitamestraCatarina Ligendza .... CrisotemisDietrich Fischer-Dieskau .... OrestesHans Beirer .... EgistoJosef Greindl .... CriadoKurt Böhme .... Ein alter DienerChristopher Doig .... Ein junger DienerOlga Varia .... Die SchleppenträgerinCarmen Reppel .... Die VertrauteC…
  • Drew is an assistant director of personnel in a Cleveland department store and he has been stuck there for ten years...
  • As the elder don (Danny Aiello) dies, his young heir (Jason Gedrick) moves into the position. He quickly proves to be as ruthless as he tries to discover who has launched a plot to overthrow his rule and may be infiltrating other families. In a left over plot line, his aunt (Kirstie Alley) discovers that the young don …
  • 故事发生于19世纪40年代,阿尔方斯妮(安娜·奈瑞贝科 Anna Netrebko 饰)本是出生在穷乡僻壤的贫穷女孩,注定会过上默默无闻了此一生的生活。然而,上帝却将她指引向了繁华的大都市巴黎。在那里,阿尔方斯妮见识到了上流社会的奢靡生活。随着时间的推移,阿尔方斯妮凭借着自己的美貌和智慧渐渐打入了社交圈,最终成为了人人仰慕的交际花,那些…
  • 电影科幻
  • 影片镜头追随着比利时安特卫普的八个派对狂热分子在一个激情的下午发生的故事。他们都梦想着另一种生活,或者说生活中有点改变,驱使他们前进。当一种称为“风人”的神秘现象在街上盛行之时,他们感觉并遭受在世上无所依靠的痛苦,于是这八个年轻人选择在聚会中寻找自我,在那里一切都有可能,他们……
  • 多得有妮可(纳嘉·乌尔 Nadja Uhl 饰)家中的那个小阳台,她和邻居兼死党凯琳(英卡·芙德瑞Inka Friedrich 饰)得以互诉心事,消解夏天烦躁,细品人生况味。每个清风习习的傍晚,妮可和凯琳都在阳台上喝可乐和酒。妮可每天都细心照顾独居老人,而未婚妈妈凯琳为儿子的学业爱情操心,没有好工作、好伴侣的两个好姊妹,在这里幻想着新感情的出现…