搜索 Eira

  • 纪录片关于2002年巴西总统大选,卢拉的真实参选经过。Director Joao Moreira Salles and a small crew followed Presidential candidate Luís Inácio Lula da Silva's campaign in meetings, rallies, planes, TV debates, with his family, political allies and marke…
  • Couple of lovers want to steal the income of a popular soccer game, at Maracana Stadium, in Rio de Janeiro.
  • 本片是巴西名导Anselmo Duarte的首部长片,后来他曾凭借1962年的《承诺》打开了巴西新浪潮通往世界的大门并获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名和嘎纳金棕榈奖。但早在57年的这部处女作中他就已经展示出非凡的创造力了,本片被看成是对50年代巴西人生活各面的完美展现。YOUTUBE片段:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O--6cuRMZacA…
  • Víctima de su propio sentido del humor, un Víctima de su propio sentido del humor,provinciano anónimo es confundido con el embajador de la India. Los rumores se extienden por toda la ciudad y llegan a oídos de las autoridades colombianas.…
  • Drama teacher and writer of soap operas keeps his frustrating marriage because he doesn't have the existencial courage to get divorced. But he meets a temperamental and rich student, with whom he engages in a neurotic relationship.Gramado Film FestivalYear Result Award Category/Recipient(s)1977 Won Golden Kikito Best A…
  • 1、诺曼王朝(1066—1154年)征服者威廉登基后称一世,在位21年。王位先后传给他的两个儿子威廉二世和亨利一世。如此历经三王之后,“绝嗣断统”,也就是说这个家庭继绝了男性继承人。然而出自女系的继承人还有两系。先是威廉一世的外孙斯蒂芬登上王位。另一系不答应,结果爆发了一场夺位战。双方打得精疲力竭,议定斯蒂芬死后,由另一系继位。…
  • When Diego's girlfriend decides to leave him after a disastrous anniversary getaway, he will find any means possible to amend or fix what happened. Even if it means competing with different versions of himself when traveling through time.
  • In a small town in Chile, women and young children have been mysteriously vanishing. Suspicion falls on the local mayor, Dupui, and a shadowy figure called Dr. Werner. Dupui keeps tight control over the town through a gang called the Yellow Jackets, hand-picked by Dupui and under his control through the use of a drug w…
  • A group of kids embarks in a macabre adventure, full of characters from the Brazilian popular imaginary - the werewolf, a witch, a ghost, monsters and The Saci. With the anthological meeting between four of the most important names in the Brazilian horror: Rodrigo Aragao, Petter Baiestorf, Joel Caetano and Jose Mojica …
  • An ecology of signs lurking amid seductive 16mm travel footage echoes with post-colonial reverberations in Ana Vaz's deceptively corrosive, award-winning Occidente