搜索 Eira

  • Simon, a lonely boy who has lost his father in a car accident a few months ago, has to face rising conflicts when Mario, the new and mysterious school teacher, starts dating Sarah, his beautiful mother. Simon doesn't accept the new father figure and discovers Mario's real intentions while struggling with his own fears …
  • "Absence" is a family, sexual, emotional and everyday drama. We follow Serginho's daily routine: taking care of his mother and his 5 year-old brother; the work at the street market; his strong friendship with Mudinho and Silvinha and a complex relationship between sex and affection with Professor Ney. A net o…
  • 法国动作巨星贝尔蒙多最走红时主演了这部节奏紧凑利落的冒险动作片,在片中饰演介乎詹姆斯·邦德与印第安那·琼斯的英雄,负责找寻被盗取的巴西珍贵古物,经过一连串的追踪、打斗和揭发内奸的行动,终于完成了任务。全片娱乐元素丰富,贝尔蒙多充分发挥其敏捷身手,演出了不少紧张刺激的动作场面。导演在优秀的摄影师协助下,跨国拍摄了优美的地…
  • 在南美洲人迹少至的热带雨林深处,经过六年的努力,生化学家罗勃肯贝尔博士,研发出一种癌症治疗法面临一项重大的医学突破。一位冷静的女性学者当可琳博士历经一段艰困的会面;这一对互相厌恶的伙伴终于产生了共同的尊重,而实际的爱苗也滋生于这片异国风情的热带雨林中……
  • Perhaps the most enjoyable Oliveira film I've watched so far also proved to be the most frustrating experience (through no fault of the genial Portuguese director, whom I saw at the 2004 Venice Film Festival): unfortunately, the copy shown on late-night Italian TV was of an atrocious quality – with intermittent picture…
  • 英国BFI制作的纪录片《电影百年》之拉丁美洲电影
  • 一家人24小时的经历:胡安、蕾妮、四岁的小男孩圣地亚哥和蕾妮的母亲维吉尼娅。父亲开车带儿子去郊外海边游玩,而蕾妮和自己病重的母亲一同前往森林,并没有与丈夫孩子同行。影片一开始就暗示出这个家庭中存在着危机,胡安和蕾妮都有各自的苦恼,而他们之间最大的问题就是无法真正做到相互了解。此后画面以平行剪辑的方式交替叙述两边的活动:父…