- A documentary crew follows four leading men of American Ballet Theatre to their respective hometowns as they rehearse a newly commissioned work by choreographer Mark Morris.
- 美国黑人牧师Andre James,回到旧时的天主教寄宿学校顶替一位失踪的牧师,但他怀疑原来的牧师可能是被学校的人谋杀,于是他展开调查。Andre James, an African-American priest with a troubled past, returns to his old Catholic boarding school to replace another priest who has dis…
- There's nothing special about Pamela Plagely: her husband doesn't understand her, her son is doing time for dealing skunk and her doctor wants to fill her up with chemicals. But she's not having any of it. With a little cross-cultural communication Pamela discovers the remarkable medicinal properties of yam and begins …