搜索 Elise

  • 可可是个浑浑噩噩的年轻女子,与五十多岁、刚离异的汉斯陷入了一场无果的恋情中。她过着漫无目标的生活,直到发现母亲病重。不顾已疏远的母女关系,以及母亲希望独处的愿望,可可搬到母亲家中照顾她,并开始全心全意地拥抱这个新的生活目标。
  • A man and woman are struggling to adjust to life with their new baby. But their situation begins to unravel when they suspect a menacing stranger could be lurking, watching, even entering their home.
  • 8 个闺蜜喜欢一起购物,买些光鲜华丽的锦衣珠宝,她们对洋娃娃之类的东西没有半点兴趣。她们是典型的朋克小妞,最喜欢去青年俱乐部,即使里面多是些愚蠢之徒。而后,她们之间一系列相互之间的羞辱责骂差点让这个小团体散伙,但经过热烈的讨论,她们决定团结起来。俱乐部一年一度的夏季派对就要来了,复仇的焰火熊熊燃烧。
  • Four directors presents four episodes about one of the most terrifying legends from Brazil: the Sanguanel, a Italian creature who terrorized European immigrants in the 19th century.
  • 电影剧情
  • When Jimmy Preston goes missing in the small town of Brookhaven, Mississippi, the gossip circle formed by three women (Ann, Jenny and Patsy) become amateur detectives in an effort to solve his disappearance.
  • Chef Valentina realizes that it's time for her to search for a new recipe for love & life [a year after her boyfriend Sebastian died]; as she prepares for the international cooking competition show "Succulent & Savory" with her friends and fellow chefs Charlotte, Maxmillian and mentor "Chef Alexa…
  • This digital short was commissioned for the Bigger Picture project in conjunction with the BBC in Manchester, and shown on a public screen in the centre of the city. The fi lm explores the psycho-geography of the city through the experiences of a local woman who is partially blind. It was fi lmed in Manchester around t…
  • 巴黎,一个冬日的傍晚。20岁的安东尼决定明天搭第一班火车到海边游玩,可惜他的口袋里只有几欧元,根本不够支付车票的费用。但幸好他目前还有一整晚的时间,去收集所需的金额。