搜索 Rowen

  • A man and woman are struggling to adjust to life with their new baby. But their situation begins to unravel when they suspect a menacing stranger could be lurking, watching, even entering their home.
  • In the British countryside, the Harver family head out on an idyllic summer camping trip where they can bury past tensions and enjoy some family bonding. But when their camp is sabotaged by an unseen intruder in the night, they head to the nearby creepy old farm desperate for help, where vengeful farmer Hunt Hansen and…
  • "Lycanimator" is a gnarly new creature feature in the tradition of classic late 80's and early 90's splatter flicks." The story follows a group of friends who go to an abandoned house for a weekend away only to come across a mad scientist with some monster-making goo. When some of that goo turns one of t…
  • Church of England vicar Peter Owen-Jones has been given a year's sabbatical to travel the world with a BBC crew to explore different faiths around the world at the beginning of the 21st century.
  • 杰森·刀锋(Jason Blade)是一个无法全身心投入到自己的女人身上的男人,他把所有的时间都花在了一个特别的犯罪行动小组上,承担着打击犯罪和纠正错误行为的任务。当他的爱被他的主要敌人绑架,比赛是进入发电站,她被关押和战斗的忍者军队。只有这样,他才能面对他的死敌巴克斯特,阻止炸弹爆炸来拯救他的爱人,并向她表明他是一个男人。一个能…
  • 3位玩世不恭的青年误杀了一位年迈巫女的儿子,被惹火的巫女变身为美艳的少女爱比,勾引他们三人,再将他们变成怪物,成为复仇的工具,而受到诅咒的他们,结局比死亡还要恐怖
  • 该剧是乔治·卢卡斯在1992年到1996年间制作的一套寓教于乐的电视剧,于1992年在美国ABC电视台首播。内容为印第安那·琼斯博士以回忆的形式讲述其幼年及青年时传奇般的冒险故事。该剧的制作相当精美考究,每集的制作费高达数百万美元,拍摄场景遍及英国、俄国、西班牙、捷克斯洛伐克、肯尼亚、法国、印度、中国、澳大利亚、埃及、美国、摩洛哥、…
  • 1963年,肯·拉塞尔(《恋爱中的女人》《马勒传》)执导音乐电视纪录片,荣获当年全英剧作家协会最佳纪录片剧本奖。导演以此片打破了BBC纪录片的惯有模式,首次尝试了在非虚构类影片中采用演员表演的方式。前提是这些演员仅仅是模特,而不能出声。此片预示了肯·拉塞尔之后一系列音乐家纪录片的风格脉络。导演在02年重新翻拍了埃尔加纪录片《Fa…