- The series follows cash-strapped couple Gemma (Thalissa Teixeira) and Kieran (Gary Carr), after they decide to open their small apartment up to a third resident.Surprisingly, new resident Ray (Ariane Labed) seems to make things easier for the couple.She makes the apartment feel bigger, not smaller, and the extra pair o…
- On May 30th 1967, Colonel Odumegwu Ojukwu unilaterally declared the independence of the state of Biafra from Nigeria. The Nigerian federal government, ruled at the time by Yakubu Gowon, led a military offensive over Biafra to attempt to recover the region. Hostilities opened the way for large-scale war, the first post-…
- 在《JUST ADD MAGIC》的衍生剧《JUST ADD MAGIC》中,我们跟随《MAGIC cookbook》来到海湾城,迎来了三个新的保护人:继兄妹Zoe和Leo,以及他们楼上的邻居Ish。这三个人都为餐桌带来了一种独特的技能,因为这本食谱揭开了一个世纪以来的秘密,他们在城市的街道上进行了一场历史冒险,为了找到一个秘密食谱。在《JUST ADD MAGIC》的…