- 普鲁登斯[即塔蓬丝]在追踪尸体下落时失踪,当他老公贝利塞尔[即汤米]找到她时,她已经成了“恶狼谷”的厨师,在那个地方住着一个有钱而吝啬的鳏夫,他专横地控制子女们,那里居然还藏着一口口诡异的棺材!Mon petit doigt m'a dit和l'heure zéro的导演Pascal Thomas的第三部侦探片,名为Le Crime est notre affaire,…
- 公元141年,罗马达契亚省出现了一场无法控制的传染病,四名罗马探险家,由经验丰富的百夫长马库斯率领,去帝国边界外执行一项特别任务——向尚未被征服的自由达契亚人寻找解救传染病的方法
- The building of the former children's shelter, where a certain obsessed woman once killed children, is now located in a private lyceum. The lyceum not only works, but also lives with her young son a young teacher. Soon the ghost of a murderous woman, still eager for death, begins to hunt the mother and her child.