搜索 Elvik

  • 奥乔镇是有少数吉普赛人居住的城镇,当奥乔镇镇长宣布吉普赛足球队“巴西人”今年也可以参加村庄的足球联赛时,整个村镇的沸腾了。并且这一年出身奥乔镇的巴西百万富翁出资,获胜的球队可以受邀前往里约热内卢。联赛开始了,情绪、愤怒、突发事件汇聚一起朝着无人料想的方向发展。最后胜利的人并非是胜利者,那些寻找爱情的,也不应沉溺其中。
  • The Oslo police are puzzled. Crime scenes are being found covered with blood, but there is no victim. Only an odd number combination is left behind. One night, Kristine is brutally raped in her apartment. Detective Hanne is charged with solving the case and begins the investigation. She quickly notices strange similari…