- あの只野仁が過激に復活!昼はさえない窓際係長、だが夜は無敵のスーパーヒーロー……。2003年にスタートした高橋克典主演のドラマ『特命係長 只野仁』は勧善懲悪のストーリー、荒唐無稽なアイデア、痛快なアクション、そしてセクシーなお色気で人気を博し、瞬く間に人気シリーズとなった。その後も常に変わりゆく世の中の流れを鋭く切り取りな…
- Formia is a small town, a narrow strip of land squeezed between sea and mountains. There's only two ways you can pass through Formia: back and forth. The same goes for the lives of the four main characters: narrow is the place they inhabit, confined are the perspectives. Victims of both an old country that doesn't offe…
- Group of young people trying to save the Egyptian Ambassador in India as part of a comedy -by- http://www.bttiantang99.com/
- Prema Geema Jaane Do is a soft romantic comedy. The movie is about the protagonist setting up a journey to a new place and meeting new people.Why he hates love and what is in his past forms the main crux of the story.
- First stereoscopic and 3D animation feature film made in Romania. A 3D animation feature film about friendship, courage, sacrifice and, last but not least, about love. "Mercy Street" is the story of a 10 year old little boy, Lorenz, who discovers a secret passage to a secret world beneath our world, which wil…
- In 33 neuen Episoden stößt die Brasilianerin Jojo auf ihrer Suche nach dem Glück emotional und körperlich an ihre Grenzen. Bei ihrem Job in der Event-Agentur gerät sie in große Gefahr, sie hilft einer Freundin durch eine schwere Zeit – un…