- 二次大戰是人類史上規模最大的戰爭,卻因為一名無名英雄,得以提早結束。電腦發明的緣起,竟然也與他有關--當年因從事情報工作,必須隱姓埋名的艾倫圖靈,因為好萊塢電影「模仿遊戲」而重新為世人認識;本片則深刻勾勒他如何和德國鬥智,破解德國引以為傲的密碼機「恩尼格瑪Enigma」。Alan Turing, a brilliant mathematician a…
- Ex-soldier and author Patrick Hennessey follows the footsteps of the young Rudyard Kipling, from Lahore to the hill station of Simla.When Kipling boarded a ship to India in 1882 he was 16 years old, one of thousands of young British men and women sailing toward a strange new world that would make or break them. Kipling…
- Travis, is a thirty-something psychiatrist haunted by the death of a former patient. On the brink of a nervous breakdown he stumbles across a group run by a charismatic leader, Father Jay. In search of answers, Travis is led deeper and deeper into the underworld of a Doom's Day cult where he meets Grace, a mysterious t…
- A devout but a very naive Muslim youth Banne (Ashish Kaul) leaves his home-land to go to the City to live with Shakeel (vikas Anand), and his beautiful daughter Sabha (Juni). He expects to be pampered as he has been at his home, and Shakeel and Sabha do their best to make him feel at home. He and Sabha slowly get attra…