- Deployed on mission in Helmand, Afghanistan, 25-year old Thomas steps on a landmine and gets seriously injured. At the local rehabilitation center he meets Sofie, an ascending ballerina from the Royal Danish Ballet, who is helping a relative to regain strength after a long term sickness. Thomas desperately wants back i…
- 骑士谷下雪了,这是一个骑士精神永远不死的魔法世界。年轻的皇后用魔法手套制造雪花,让整个王国能过白色圣诞节。唯一一个对此感到不满的,就是皇后那天生阴险邪恶的舅舅Snerk。这时,一个崇拜邪恶势力的女孩Muld找到了魔法盔甲的其中三个部件,让他发现这东西原来有魔力!他终于能够控制骑士谷了!但是这魔法盔甲还缺最后一个部件,也就是皇后…