搜索 Eung

  • High school friends Joo-yeon, So-jin, Hyeon-mi and Seon-hee have been close since they were young but don’t pour their hearts out to each other. Joo-yeon is an office girl, So-jin has been taking the bar exam for 4 years, Hyeon-mi was born…
  • 一个小女孩,老是因为各种倒霉的事儿而烦心。后来,她发现倒霉的不止她一个,她们家的人都很倒霉,原来这源自于她们家的一个诅咒。为了不倒霉到底,她决定找到破除诅咒的办法。 这部由美国著名导演斯蒂芬·赫瑞克于2014年制作的《倒霉姐》邀请了雅各布.伯特兰 埃琳娜坎普里斯等明星参与,值得一看
  • 电影剧情:才子柳遇春仰慕嘉兴八美艳名,前往访艳,巧遇女扮男装的八美,华家八姊妹对春暗里倾心,其兄长欲与春联姻,遂允春以家传宝物为聘,待高中之后,可选其中一妹为妻。春果然高中,华家长女爱珠怕他趾高气扬,与众妹合谋戏弄他,但珠又怕错失良缘,于是多番暗示。几经波折,有情人终成眷属。制片地区:中国香港导演:李寿祺 珠玑编剧:胡…
  • 电影犯罪
    发生在走马岗的离奇火灾金贵祥,在广州靠走私盗版起家,是盗版音像界之一哥,住白云山,有很多女朋友,其中以“峨嵋之花”兰茜最为漂亮,手段玲珑,同时在应付四个“老公”,时间安排得十分妥当。但最近令“潮州金”不满的是和香港仔凌世岳过往甚密,打翻醋坛,闹得不可开交,兰茜也有公安的男友,贵祥虽怒,一时不敢造次。 贵祥和港仔交手,但…
  • 电影
    The third feature in the drama franchise that focuses on theviolent world of British football hooliganism. 14 years after turninghis back on the Green Street Elite and channelling his energies intomixed martial arts, Danny Harvey ‘s world is shatteredwhen his younger brother Joey is killed in what seems to bea pre-plan…
  • In an auspicious debut, Kim Jae-han unfurls a tale about a Vietnamese woman, Thuy, living in rural Korea with her in-laws. When her gambling addicted husband turns up dead, Thuy wants his death investigated, a desired met with resistance by the rest of the village.
  • 电影恐怖
  • A mellow movie about a woman who is tired of the meaningless life with a husband who doesn't even remember her name and a hopeless young man who drives a taxi.