- When an infamous "cursed" Egyptian sarcophagus falls into the hands of unscrupulous huckster Everett Randolph, he becomes obsessed with resurrecting the mummified princess held within it.
- Sometimes the story preceding the making of a film is just as important as the work itself. Zach Breder, a young man living with a serious heart defect, had always wanted to shoot a movie and, with the aid of the Georgia Chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, he managed to do just that. This adventure story about a boy…
- 在民国时期的大上海,一名惩恶扬善,除暴安良的绝世高手家豪,神不知鬼觉的除汉奸,杀日本人,拯救百姓的爱国抗日故事,家豪本是一名拉黄包车的小伙,他武功盖世代号夜枭,因看不惯恶人当道,家豪为了正义战胜了邪恶的日本人,国难当头,匹夫有责,家豪用自己的行动拯救了百姓…