- 主角Chase在与妹妹的队伍会和途中遭遇行尸,失去了朋友,并且被困在一座公共仓库里。他发现这公共座仓库已经有了一个主人,他是从前在仓库工作的BJ。公共仓库里食物,衣服,娱乐用品应有尽有,BJ嫣然是这座王国的国王。而这位国王却并非善类,接踵而来的秘密更让Chase无法想象……
- As a medical team tries to understand 10-year-old Maya Kowalski's rare illness, they begin to question her parents. Suddenly, Maya is in state custody - despite a family desperate to bring their daughter home.
- 剧版《超能陆战队》宣布将以一部1小时的电视电影打头阵,该片名为《大白归来》(Baymax Returns),将于11月20日开播!随后是两集剧版的预览集,会介绍很多剧集信息,也会上线一些短片。
- 未来世界的超级都市旧京山(San Fransokyo),热爱发明创造的天才少年小宏,在哥哥泰迪的鼓励 下参加了罗伯特·卡拉汉教授主持的理工学院机器人专业的入学大赛。他凭借神奇的微型磁力机器人赢得观众、参赛者以及考官的一致好评,谁知突如其来的灾难却将小宏的梦想和人生毁于一旦。大火烧毁了展示会场,而哥哥为了救出受困的卡拉汉教授命丧火场…
- A group of middle school kids stumble upon a chest full of incredible toys from the future. The discovery takes them on an adventure using their newfound toys to save their neighborhood and ultimately the world from a maniacal corporate madman. In the process, these loser kids learn they have the qualities they thought…