- After being hidden in time for about 25 years this industrial milestone of the infamous 1st generation got renovated extended and digitally overworked by CaTV. Cathy Vogan - Media Artist & Designer has been three times nominated for Video Art Award and received ZKM (Karlsuhe) Production Award for her work! A true state…
- Innocent Belgium is a roaring drama, with a pinch of action, drawn on the canvas of our multicultural society. The three main protagonists each look death in the eye. Through flashbacks and memories in their moment of death we see the memories of their past life, which gives us a view on the current life in the main ca…
- 《揭开面纱:好莱坞的跨性别人生》以前所未有、令人大开眼界的方式探讨了电影和电视剧中对跨性别者的描绘,揭示了好莱坞如何同时反映和制造我们对性别最深层的焦虑。 包括拉弗恩·考克斯、莉莉·沃卓斯基、恩斯·福特、MJ·罗德里格斯、杰米·克莱顿和查兹·波诺在内的跨性别思想家和创意人士,分享了他们对一些好莱坞经典片段的反应和抗拒…
- 金伯利、贝拉、惠特尼和莉顿这四名房客迎来了新的三个月,这意味着她们必须面对新的经历和挑战。由明迪·卡灵和贾斯汀·诺布尔主创,第二季将于11月17日回归,带来更多的大学混乱、狂野派对、混乱的人际关系,当然还有校园里的新帅哥。