搜索 Leach

  • 动漫
    『BLEACH 千年血戦篇-相剋譚-』2024年テレビ東京系列にて放送開始。
  • 动漫
    根据《BLEACH 死神》最终章改编,黑崎一护重返代理死神的岗位,曾经被封印的灭却师之王组成“看不见的帝国”。他们攻占虚圈,并向尸魂界宣战,这场千年血战即将迎来最终章!
  • 电影剧情
    继《心灵小屋》后 再次见证美好的生命奇迹!  全美史上最热销福音歌曲背后不平凡的故事,感动疗愈千万人。  比《攻其不备》更激励人心,在平凡中找寻不凡的成就,闯出自己的一片天。  永远相信自己,只要勇敢实现梦想,你就是改变世界的那个《关键少数》!  当你受挫时,音乐就是你的心灵解药,让美妙的音乐抚平伤痛,让信仰在黑暗时带…
  • 电影
  • Saul Leiter could have been lauded as the great the pioneer of color photography, but was never driven by the lure of success. Instead he preferred to drink coffee and photograph in his own way, amassing an archive of beautiful work that is now piled high in his New York apartment. An intimate and personal film, In No …
  • James Nesbitt’s Ireland will see the actor explore his homeland and offer his own personal take on Irish life, its culture, history and people.   Throughout the series James will meet and engage with Irish people from all walks of life, a…
  • Within this small house,hidden in the deep ,dark woods,is an evil force.It can infected one's soul and drive men to madness.kyle falls victim to this entity from the house.Now possessed
  • 阿尔芬斯住在巴黎,杰瑞米住在纽约,因为两家人关系要好,两个男孩也成为了好朋友。阿尔芬斯利用假期来看望杰瑞米,但是他不明白为什么杰瑞米总是把时间花在观看野鸭身上。秋天渐渐来了,野鸭终于要开始南飞,而阿尔芬斯也即将回国,在别离到来的时候,他们开始生出不一样的情绪......