- 天空城之战后,羽皇风刃向人族发动战争。兵至凉州城下,眼看人族已无力翻盘,女爵方祈舞试图经由时光机器“流年转”回到过去,附身于风刃最爱的王妃南音梦,杀死年轻的风刃来扭转战局。然而当她在另一个时空醒来的时候,却被告知风刃已死!方祈舞坚信风刃的死亡只是个谣传。而更令人意外的是,她的意识竟然附到了人族第一美人——和亲公主红鸾的…
- A dark-sheep type of man returns to his hometown after a prolonged absence. While he's been gone ludicrous rumours have spread about his whereabouts. Is he a big footy player or is he a film star. Turns out he's still the same lovable but not likable sort of fellow he was when he left. He wants his old girlfriend back …