搜索 Féraud

  • 三个人在玩纸牌,他们是安东尼·卢米埃尔,他的好友特莱威,酿酒商阿·温克勒。这三个胖子都把肥大的脚踏在地上,身体占据了大半个银幕。后景是一些栽种在盆里的棕榈树。在纸牌游戏的过程中,温克勒倒啤酒;安东尼·卢米埃尔燃起雪茄,口中喷出烟圈;路易·卢米埃尔的仆人费洛则满脸堆笑,样子看上去十分诙谐,一会把手臂举向天空为主人的牌局叫…
  • I saw the 1926 film 'Klovnen' ('The Clown') in October 2006 at the Cinema Muto festival in Sacile, Italy. I'm always intrigued when a director decides to remake one of his (or her) own films: there are so many different stories to tell, why would anyone want to tell the same story twice? If the story was no good the fi…