  • In Rubbings From a Live Man, director Florian Habicht (Woodenhead, Kaikohe Demolition) crafts together a flamboyant, tour-de-force exploration of the life and times of the incomparable Warwick Broadhead. Broadhead’s career as a performing artist and director has spanned four decades. (From marrying his house in Grey Ly…
  • 在巴黎被德国占领时期,一名德国女士兵生下一个孩子,此事一直被隐瞒下来。后来她将小孩送人收养。但是,这个孩子的父亲,一名法国军官还是决定自己抚养。60年后,这些事被揭露出来。
  • 电影动作
  • 一部类似塞门的花园这样的兄妹乱伦片。马蒂和米雪这一对感情亲密的亲兄妹随着年龄增长渐渐陷入乱伦的关系,并且有一次被父亲发现...这部不象塞门花园那样感觉很病态,比较“阳光”一些。一对亲兄妹的爱情。因为家庭的变故,他们成为被父母疏离之后彼此唯一的温暖。他们克制了很久,但理性终归抵挡不了感情,上了床。家人发现后,两人想要出走,…
  • 新西兰来的黑白超现实电影...惊奇地发现它拍得很美...Sublime, ridiculous, funny, disturbing, lush, innovative and movingThis is a beautiful fairy tale with a big heart but no morals. It's got an aesthetic reminiscent of European new wave cinema but an en…
  • “以性換錢,總比錢又無,性又無好一點吧?” 五個大男人,一個陰柔靠女友;一個從未深愛已無情;一個中年事業有危機;一個古肅老石山;一個乳臭尚未乾。本來風牛馬不相及, 但就擁有一個共同點: 大家都朝唔搵得晚,口袋空空,日日流連勞工處等運到。不過與其等運到,不如馬死落地下,為搵食諗諗計,那將自己當速遞送上門慰藉城中寂寞女士又可會殺出新…
  • David, a recently fired scrapyard worker and Marie, a prostitute, both about 20 years old, meet on New Year's Eve in Berlin and decide to run away together. As David's arm is plastered from an accident Marie continues to prostitute herself to finance their restless journey through the Ruhr area. Their love and their wi…
  • The Big Sellout is a political film. In various episodes the abstract phenomenon of privatisation is depicted in stories about very concrete human destinies around the globe. The documentary tells tragic, tragicomic but also encouraging stories of the everyday life of people, who day by day have to deal with the effect…