- Set in Manhattan, this delightfully witty primetime serial focused on the cut-throat worlds of modeling and cosmetic. Storylines centered around acid-tongued modeling executive Racine, who held fief over the careers of young models Laurie Caswell and Taryn Blake, and cosmetics tycoon Grant Harper.
- based on the novel and 1949 film of the same name, this prime-time soap detailed the lives of haves and have-nots in the sleepy Southern hamlet Truro, Florida. The haves live in huge mansions on Flamingo Road, while the rest of the characters did anything (blackmail, murder, voodoo) to obtain that address as well.
- Boys behaving badly. Jay, a middle-class high-school sophomore, hangs out in his L.A. suburb with slackers, dopers, petty thieves and punks. Everyone has a nickname; his is Worm. His best friend, John, aka Mt. Rushmore, severely beats another student at a wedding Jay and his pals crash. At the wedding, Jay falls for We…