搜索 Fakhr

  • During the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971, a philanthropic, down to earth young lover turns into a Freedom Fighter guerrilla.
  • 十八世纪末,沙俄与伊朗法萨马王朝争夺阿塞拜疆地区
  • An undercover spy uses a rock band as a cover for his operation in this Spanish film.
  • 对于很多了解伊斯兰革命之前的伊朗新浪潮电影的人来说,Arby Ovanessian也是一个陌生的名字。其实他是一位很著名的剧场导演,一直致力于伊朗现代戏剧的发展,这部70年的《春天》是他仅有的一部电影作品,曾在当年德黑兰国际电影节上深受好评,被认为是伊朗电影诗人派(以Sohrab Shahid Saless和Nosratallah Karimi为代表)的杰作,…
  • In a tribal society, governor Zaid decides to raise taxes on the people, and sends his men to kidnap women, and with time his strength increase , up to the tribe of Bani Mazen, he kills a young man from the tribe at the hands of his men, prompting a friend to take revenge on the tyrant, Essam hide his face, and riding …
  • 情色女星Izna受雇于潇洒勇猛的情报官员Ayaan,后者派她接近可怕的杀手Kabir并让他掉进“甜蜜陷阱”。在这种情况下,她不仅要面对苦乐交织的过去,还要被迫做出一个不可能的选择——一个将自己的生命置于双重危险中的抉择。   该片是2003年碧帕莎·芭素和约翰·亚伯拉罕主演的《最毒美人心》的续集,不过它和第一部没有半毛钱关系。电影拍摄档…
  • 电影
  • 伊朗电影杰作《风之棋局》(1976)今年完成修复并参与多个电影节,此前其实很少人看过!这部片在1976年曾入选德黑兰国际电影节并举行试映会,可惜放映被恶意妨碍——放映机发生故障,菲林亦遭到破坏,后来电影节评委将视频从竞赛中撤出。在没有发行商愿意投资的情况下,制片人再没将视频送到任何电影节或举办任何公开放映(据说著名影人Henr…
  • One of his most controversial films, THE SPARROW was written by Chahine in collaboration with avant-gardist Lofti el-Kholi. Set during the 1967 Six Day War between Israel and the United Arab Republic this story of familial and national divisions has become one of Chahine's most popular films in festivals and retrospect…