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  • based on the true story of Cevat Şakir, a Turkish writer who, just after Turkey's defeat in World War I, fell foul of the authorities when he wrote about deserters from the army. At first sentenced to hang, he was later sent to a distant p…
  • Ein Privatdetektiv soll im Auftrag einer Türkin den Unfalltod ihres Vaters aufklären und kommt dabei - unterstützt durch einen pensionierten Komissar - einem Sumpf aus Korruption, Rauschgift, Gier und Hass auf die Spur.
  • 讲述了一个出租车司机帮助一个六岁小女孩找妈妈的故事。当一个古板的德国老头遇到一个不会讲德语的可爱女孩时,会发生什么有趣的事情呢?Hartmut 是一个出租车司机。有一天,结婚30年的妻子突然提出离婚。震惊之后,他不得不开始新的生活。这位闷闷不乐的先生对世界充满偏见,拒绝一切陌生的事物。但是有一天,一个不会说德语的小女孩出现在他的…
  • Moritz (11) convinced his mother to a special holiday on Cyprus, to meet there his unsuspecting father Aiven Bastekis, once her one-night-stand. Aiven, who runs the family textile trade firm, is startled and seems unwilling to complicate life further in his family, having a Greek father and Turkish mother. However his …