- "The Gifted," based on Ian Parker's New Yorker article "The Gift," about the life of controversial philanthropist Zell Kravinsky. He made millions in real estate and over the past six years he has given it all-nearly 45 million dollars of assets-away. He kept for himself only a modest house. But thi…
- 1924年,被誉为“二十世纪最成功的登山者之一”的乔治·马洛里与登山新手安德鲁·欧文组队,尝试从珠穆朗玛峰的北坡登顶,最终一去不复返,而有关两人死前是否成功登顶的争议也成为人类登山史上著名的“马欧之谜”。1999年,美国著名登山家康拉德·安柯(Conrad Anker)在珠峰的“死亡地带”发现了马洛里的遗体。从此以后,康拉德·安柯的生活便…