Set against the serene frozen tundras of the Arctic, a group of desperate sailor's wives wait patiently for their husbands return from sea. As bad news knock on their door, one woman finds out about her husband's infidelity.
年迈的地质学家安德龙·弗谢斯拉维奇踏上了一段由莫斯科到北贝加尔斯克的火车之旅。一路上,他一边翻看年轻时的照片,一边追忆起70年代末勘探贝阿铁路的时光。这条铁路穿过广袤的西伯利亚,是苏联历史上最昂贵的项目。An aged geologist, Andron Vseslavich, goes on a train journey from Moscow to Severobaika…