搜索 FlávioTolezani
共找到“2”个结果Dom tells the story of Pedro, a handsome boy from Rio de Janeiro’s middle class who is introduced to cocaine in his teen years, putting him on the path to becoming the leader of a criminal gang that dominated the tabloids in Rio in the ear…
多姆讲述了一个来自里约热内卢中产阶级的英俊男孩佩德罗的故事,他在十几岁的时候被介绍接触可卡因,使他走上了成为一个犯罪团伙头目的道路,这个犯罪团伙在21世纪初统治了里约热内卢的小报:佩德罗多姆。在动作、冒险和戏剧之间转换,多姆还跟随佩德罗的父亲维克托·丹塔斯(Victor Dantas),他十几岁时在海底发现了一个新发现,向当局报告,…