搜索 Florina

  • i.will.know.you” presents a visceral portrait of a chronic philanderer named Momo whose self-sabotage knows no limits. The film examines multiple aspects of his psyche, from his childhood in Communist Romania to modern day New York City.Mo…
  • 提莫非(帕迪·康斯戴恩 Paddy Considine 饰)是在钚发电厂工作的员工,他所工作的发电厂属于极其机密的部门,所坐落的小镇甚至在地图上都没有名字。因为发电厂故障的缘故,提莫非遭受到了核辐射的污染,虽然他的老板认定他所遭受的核辐射仅有100雷姆,因此拒绝对他做出经济上的赔偿,但实际上,提莫非遭受的辐射高达1000雷姆,这也就意味着,…
  • 电影恐怖
    这是一部阴森诡异的吸血鬼传说,同时也是一个凄美感伤的爱情故事。 公元1462年,土耳其人入侵君士坦丁堡,并威胁到整个基督教。罗马尼亚大将军德古拉伯爵临危受命征讨,不料就在他获胜之时,城内谣言四起, 盛传他已战死沙场。他的妻子伊丽莎白因悲痛欲绝而投河自杀,班师回朝的德古拉看到的只是妻子的尸体。由此他迁怒于上帝,从而化身投入邪恶…
  • 喜悲剧式的影片,关于一名46岁男人,总是为自己的肥胖、光头、矮小而自卑,直到他遇到了自己的新老板Enriquez先生,才发现世界上还有比自己更肥、更矮、更丑的人。
  • An army cadet returns to his home village in order to find out what had happened years ago between his father and the schoolmaster.
  • S.B.C.R.D.F.
    1920s, Romania. After living abroad for several years, young Mihail returns to his home village to ask for the hand of the newly widowed Elena. Things get complicated when Mihail discovers that Elena has another suitor, Mândru…