搜索 Fomm

  • The only film directed by this very unknown cinema novo filmmaker - Maurício Gomes Leite.
  • 为纪念巴西铯137污染事件三周年而拍摄的故事片。比较冷门的历史,大概不会有太多人了解吧,除非看看这部影片才知道当时有多危险。巴西铯-137放射性污染事件发生在1987年,当时,一个收集废金属的人从废弃的放射性治疗门诊部拣到了一个盛有铯-137的容器,在不知情的情况下打开了它。一些小孩将这种发光发热的物质涂在自己的脸上和身上。这起事…
  • 欧洲历史
    This ground-breaking series tells the story of Europe in six glossy episodes exploring different chapters of its eventful history. It’s a journey through time and across space, from physical beginnings to the first human settlers, the evol…