- Documentary portrait of the actress Romy Schneider, in which director Frederick Baker tries to form an overall picture from the facets of image, myth, real life and screen persona.
- A surreal short film about a man living in an endless floor.7 women, searching fot their lost key, try to enter his claustrophobic world.The 7 women will be kill.
- Documentary on the 2006 Mexican presidential elections.This documentary narrates how the right party PAN and some of the richest business men of Mexico forced the victory of Felipe Calderon, while it had been evident that the winner was Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Most of the evidences of the fraud were collected by t…
- Die kleine Meerjungfrau ist die jüngste und anmutigste der sechs Töchter des Meerkönigs. Sie hat, wie alle Meermenschen, keine Füße, sondern einen Fischschwanz. Sie besitzt als einzige die Marmorstatue eines Jünglings, welche im Meer ver…