搜索 Fredric

  • 电影明星
  • Newly appointed Sheriff Kelly Jarvis quickly realizes the dried-up town of Golden Torch is past the point of saving. After a questionable shooting, resulting in two deaths, Kelly finds himself in the middle of a string of related murders. Instead of answers, Kelly's investigation only uncovers more questions. What is w…
  • 约阿希姆-贝克是个编辑,他与未婚妻埃娃-舒马赫准备去拉斯维加斯举行婚礼。由于要赶写一篇旅行观光的游记,他只能与埃娃分开几天。约阿希姆在开车前往拉斯维加斯途中,邂逅了某餐馆年轻漂亮的女招待朱莉。朱莉的男友鲍伯是黑社会的一个小喽罗,为人蛮横无理。约阿希姆与鲍伯因朱莉而发生冲突,他误以为自己打死了鲍伯,于是与朱莉一起逃跑。在逃…
  • A teenage boy discovers the perpetrators of several molikan.com brutal kidnappings in his home town.
  • The Road to Freedom is loosely based on the fate of Errol Flynn’s only son Sean Flynn who, with Dana Stone, was captured and allegedly killed by the Khmer Rouger, the ruling party in Cambodia ruled by Pol Pot in 1970. Sean was Errol Flynn’…
  • When ex-con and hard-as-nails Jake Green finally gets a chance to see his daughter after six months, he takes her out for a quick bite only to wind up in the middle of an armored car heist. The violent incident leaves a lasting impression on his daughter and influences her choice to pursue a dangerous and lucrative car…
  • Judith Wheater年纪轻轻便担任起了一家之主的重任——她如今的父母因为先前多次离婚各有不少孩子,如今他们一家一共有7个孩子,包括年芳17的Judith。七个孩子尽管父母各异,但如今的关系宛如一奶同胞,甚是亲密。可惜好景不长,如今Wheater夫妇又在闹离婚,七个孩子虽不愿分离却也毫无办法一次偶然的机会,Judith遇到了父亲的大学同学Mar…
  • 自由职业者米克(Micah Sloat 饰)和女友凯蒂(Katie Featherston 饰)搬到一幢新的房子里,兴奋的米克搞来一台摄像机,跟踪拍摄他们俩人的点点滴滴,起卧坐行。但是,他们的兴奋很快就被莫名的不安所取代。除了他们俩外,似乎还有其他的生命藏在这座空旷的房子内。凌晨两三点钟,卧室房间一角的摄像机便真实记录下那些异常发生的事件。随着时间…
  • 美国内华达州的古矿场冒出怪烟,一头昂藏八尺高的巨兽从胚胎里地底孵出。其后,这头怪兽于市内横冲直撞,伤及无辜。市长征召市民围捕之,巨兽最终被收服并制成标本,更被命名为「世界第八大奇景」!