- The Divine Divas are the icons of the first generation of Brazilian transvestite artists in the 1960's. One of the first stages to host men dressed as women was the Rival Theatre, ran by Américo Leal, the director's grandfather. The film shows the intimacy, the talent and the stories of a generation that revolutionized…
- 2002年,一向厌恶摄像机的玛莎·阿格丽奇终于同意和导演Georges Gachot进行一次电视访谈,并录制她和德国符腾堡室内乐团排练舒曼钢琴协奏曲过程。当年,纪录片《玛莎·阿格丽奇-夜话》问世,荣获金色布拉格最佳纪录片奖、音乐艺术纪录片大奖。在影片中,阿格丽奇回忆了自己摘取肖邦国际比赛头名的传奇经历,和恩师古尔达的情谊,对室内乐与合奏…