- Two paintings that respond to each other, or the representation of a woman of colour in the 19th and 20th centuries. 源自:www.swissfilms.ch/en/movie/d-une-peinture-a-l-autre/B6C2E6F4F128403997453AE2AD6E0C27
- You are following the lives of a family who have chosen not to take the microchip implant but instead live a life with no home and consistently on the run from the one world government known as the F.A.T.H.E.R.
- Three recently deceased characters find themselves in Purgatory awaiting a sin cleansing so that they may enter Heaven. They have been gathered to review and relive the ONE sin which they have failed to repent while on earth, that is so heinous, it may send them straight to hell. The film is composed of three horror vi…
- 《.hack\/\/G.U. TRILOGY》是由RPG《.hack\/\/G.U.》改编而来的93分钟长篇动画,故事讲述2017年,“The World”的续作“The World R:2”席卷世界,而由于设计缺陷而使R:2变成了无法无天的PK地带,而这部《.hack\/\/G.U. TRILOGY》就是讲述发生在已变质的R:2世界里的悲剧故事。动画化阵容基本沿袭游戏阵容,原作游戏总指挥松山洋将担任动画监…