  • 罗伯特·罗杰斯少校和他的一群游骑兵接到任务,进入由法国军队和敌对印第安人控制的领土,设法找到几个月前失踪的英国上尉斯托达德,他是为了寻找一条穿过亚伯拉罕平原进入魁北克的通道, 从而使沃尔夫军队能够从圣劳伦斯河进攻该市的重要情报,但上尉落入法国人之手,罗杰斯少校决定不惜一切代价找到斯托达德。
  • Irma, sentenced to life imprisonment, has been sent to St. Lazarus’ prison. A transfer order is sent to the prison to send Irma to a penal colony in Algeria. On the day of her departure, Irma finds out that Moréno has been executed.
  • When a young woman is found lying in the street, savagely beaten and near daeth, she's taken to a big city hospital where two young doctors try to save her life. As she recovers, she refuses to talk about it, as she fears the gangster who was responsible will come after her again. Unknown to all is the fact that the ga…
  • 电影剧情
    ALONE YET NOT ALONE is based on an inspiring true story taken from a novel of the same name written by Tracy Leininger Craven and depicts a family at a critical juncture in America's history.Fleeing religious persecution in Germany, the Leininger family seeks a new start in uncharted country - America. It is the mid-17…
  • Film tribute to Lou Reed, who died in October, which looks at the extraordinarily transgressive life and career of one of rock 'n' roll's true originals.With the help of friends, fellow musicians, critics and those who have been inspired not only by his music but also by his famously contrary approach to almost everyth…
  • 警长Howell Brady来到印第安保留地希望创造和平,并利用迁徙来的塞米诺尔帮助美军对付不服从的基奥瓦部落
  • 东罗马拜占庭帝国的朱斯蒂年大帝微服出巡,为的是想探知民意。美丽贫家女狄奥多娜的父亲是马廊的看守人,皇帝在当地一家酒肆看见狄奥多娜的表演,不禁大为倾倒,赠以金环。狄奥多娜对皇帝若即若离,在他的脑海里留下难忘的印象。几经波折之后,狄奥多娜与朱斯蒂年再次相遇,皇帝见到艳妆浓抹的狄奥更为心动,欲纳她为情妇,但被狄奥所拒。结果皇…
  • London. Eve spends her days caring for her almost vegetative fiance Tommy while struggling to make ends meet. Tommy's only hope of recovery is a radical new treatment, but it's expensive. Running out of time, Eve turns to Tommy's old friends for help. Little does she know that journeying into Tommy's murky past will un…