- Based upon the eponymous Universal film franchise written and directed by Malcolm D. Lee, the series will catch up with Harper, Robyn, Jordan, Lance, Quentin, Shelby, Candace, and Murch as relationships evolve and past grievances resurface in the unpredictable stages of midlife crisis meets midlife renaissance.
- Michigan 1963, business rivals Kellogg's and Post compete to create a cake that could change breakfast forever.
- After Calcutta, Purandar Chaudhuri takes us through the smells, flavours, views and secrets of Bangalore: adive into a wide sensory experience in the capital of Karnataka.
- Based on the critically acclaimed self-published book by Author Humberto G. Garcia. In 1955, five young Mexican-American caddies, out of the love for the game, were determined to learn how to play, so they created there own golf course in the middle of the South Texas desert. Despite having outdated and inferior equipm…