- In 2018, a user called AnathematicAnarchist published a suicide note in an online forum for incels – a subculture of heterosexual men whose self-pity, misogyny and fantasies of violence dominate the internet in many places and trigger offl…
- A stone falls from the sky in a mountain village. Two friends set out to find it in the countryside. On the way they talk, remember a deceased friend, laugh, discuss, meet other seekers. On the way, poetry is read, poetry is heard, poetry is felt in the wind. From the beginning of the day until the light goes out. One …
- 平行麦现场首期Live专场,郝云超级在线演唱会即将开始。多情境在线音乐之旅诠释郝式演出新模式,一镜到底、迥异光影、多场景切换、行进式演出,带你体验一场与众不同的在线演唱会。
- 新线影业开发的喜剧片[八比特圣诞](8-Bit Christmas,暂译)已经开拍。影片由尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯、温斯洛·费格雷、琼·黛安·拉斐尔、斯蒂夫·扎恩主演,迈克尔·道斯([冰球坏小子])执导,凯文·雅库波斯基操刀剧本。\r\n 该片根据凯文·雅库波斯基撰写的同名小说改编,故事以20世纪80年代末的芝加哥郊区为背景,讲述了10岁的杰克·多…