- 智慧、勇敢与正义化身的侦探角色总是能受到观众的喜欢,丧妻的退休探长乔治·詹特利(George Gently)就是极具个性和强烈正义感的好男人,人们一提到他的名字就提心吊胆,因为他拥有能够制服伦敦臭名昭著的黑帮的铁腕手段。他和他的搭档约翰·巴克斯(John Bacchcus)一次次深入险境,解开了各种案件的层层谜团。这部BBC出品的传统英伦侦探剧…
- Brett and Bart Maverick (and in later seasons, their English cousin, Bo) are well dressed gamblers who migrate from town to town always looking for a good game. Poker (5 card draw) is their favorite but they've been known to play such odd card games as Three-toed Sloth on occasion. The show would occasionally feature b…
- John Oak uses his web show ACTUAL FACTUAL TRUTHS to reveal the terrifying secret of SPUNK, a new drug that is tearing America apart with its powerful violence-inducing power. He gives the audience six twisted tales of the scourge that now runs rampant in our streets, turning people violent lunatics and making them lose…
- 离开30年后,布莱克医生(Craig McLachlan饰)回到故乡,接管亡父的诊所,随之而来的还有父亲警局顾问的职责。淘金热过后的1959年,澳洲熏天财富已消散,在繁华依旧的表象之下,隐藏了欺骗和谋杀。布莱克医生一边重新适应家乡生活,一边开始协助警局破解迷案。