- Having always felt he was born in the wrong body, 10-year-old Tom chooses the name Mrs McCutcheon rather than the name he was given at birth; he also prefers the flow of a dress rather than the cut of a pant. Now at his third school Tom is having trouble settling in and finding acceptance from his newfound peers - exce…
- US scientist created a new medicine called the Anti-Hypothermic shot. Citizens were accidentally infected with a deadly virus during human testing trials. Mercenary Gabriella Knight attempts to join forces against the infected with Dr. Matthew Sage to utilize his distillation oil which dramatically increases the body's…
- When Shawn Wyatt (Jonathan Andre) inheirits a 1966 Mustang from his uncle, things go crazy when he finds a crazy amount of diamonds stashed in the engine. He and his close friend Rob (Le"Dre Turner) end up on a wild ride after a local hustler spills info about the diamonds to the local hoods. Unknowing that the or…
- Strutter is a show on MTV broadcast in the UK, Ireland, Spain, France, Romania, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland, Norway, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. It stars Paul Kaye as Mike Strutter and Thaila Zucchi as Mrs. Strutter. The show focuses on clips of people getting hurt, Strutter making fun of …