- 《陰陽魔界》(英語:TheTwilightZone)是美國1959年至1964年期間推出的半小時電視影集(期間第四季一度改為每集一小時),為黑白攝製,內容以怪誕、神祕主義和警世為主,每集均為互無關聯的獨立單元小故事,全五季共156集。本片也曾有許多當年尚名不見經傳,日後成為好萊塢一線巨星的演員參與各集的演出(如勞勃·瑞福、保羅·紐曼、威廉·席德…
- 安格莉卡AngeIika(Karin Götz饰)本身就是个性早熟的姑娘。受上个世纪70年代席卷西欧的性自由潮流的影响,寂寞难耐的她决定离家出走,去探索她向往的性经验,投身于层出不穷的爱欲游戏中。最终由于缺钱,她仗着年轻,走上了一条堕落之路,被送进管教院....
- Monika Lošťáková, of Slovakia’s nutprodukcia, told Cineuropa. According to Lošťáková, the film will provide an insight into the lives, accomplishments and everyday struggles of the LGBTQ+ community in Eastern Europe, brought together i…
- Thousands of deceased Swedes in Stockholm returns to life as zombies. While the government is unsure what to do, Gustav decides to dig up the corpse of his recently buried grandson Elias. Meanwhile, psychic teenager Flora is given the task to return the undead to their eternal slumber by Death itself.